enemy when it comes to killing attraction. If
a girl had a really great time with you, she
will ring you constantly, but it's your job
as the man to control the relationship.

she rings you know.
Talking to each other constantly will ruin
the attraction when you first start dating.
Here is what I do after a good date.
I ring her the next day, tell her I had a
great, hope she did too, make some sort of
funny comment, and go, "well, I gotta go, I'm
pretty busy, so have fun, bye".
As you noticed, I didn't ask for a second
date straight off the bat. I want her
wondering about me for a while, building
anticipation. I don't want to come across as
needy and desperate.
Don't text her, don't email her, don't talk
to her on msn, icq and don't ring her for a
few days, then out of the blue, ask her for a
second date.
If she rings you, you can pick up and go I'm
kinda busy right now, and can't talk, so why
don't we meet up, Tuesday next week at this
She basically did the asking out for you by
ringing back and you don't come off as needy
and desperate because you make it look like
it was her idea!
Never see a girl more then 2 times a week
when you are first dating for the first few
months and you should be dating other women.
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