use Internet dating over any other method of
meeting women?
I mean, there are hundreds of ways to meet
women and they are all great and have their
Speed dating
Singles events
Through friends
Offline dating agencies
Personal ads
In bars and nightclubs
Taking courses at local colleges
And the list goes on and on.....
Internet dating is KING and here is why.
It's cheap
It's quick
It's fun
It's simple to use
There are thousands of women in your area now
And the biggest reason of all, IT'S A GREAT
Like it or not, rejection is part of the
dating process, even the hottest most
successful guys with dating get rejected more
times then they hear a yes.
In someways dating is a numbers game, but
most men have TERRIBLE odds when it comes to
dating. My job in this book is to lower the
odds for you and make you more successful
with the type of women you want to date.....
and I know you're busy, that's why Internet
dating is great. Put up a profile, tweak it a
bit until it sounds good and away you go.
It's your own automated dating machine thats
up 24/7 attracting women around the clock.
You don't have to be attractive, rich or
anything like that. In fact, the guys I know
who are most successful with women don't have
a lot of money and they are just average
looking men, nothing special about them,
except they know what women want, they behave
and hold themselves in ways women find
My Story
I'm a skinny guy, bout 6'3, by no means ugly,
but by no means a bulging muscle bound model.
I've always been a little shy, which is fine,
always been a little awkward in social
situations, never had much confidence in
myself around women.
I had NO luck with dating. When I was 16 I
got lucky and landed a girlfriend, and we
were together for 3 years, but after that, I
went 3 years without even 1 date. Partly
because I was consumed with work and partly
because I was turning women off with the way
I acted around them.
But about 2 years ago I got fed up with being
dateless and looking around and seeing UGLY
guys with girlfriends and in most cases HOT
girls. I thought if these guys are meeting
these women and they're not rich, successful
or even good looking, I must be doing
something wrong.
What these guys had that I didn't have was
the right attitude, the right frame of mind,
and I get into this in the next chapter.
So I learned everything I could about women,
psychology, what makes women attracted to
certain types of guys and I even read a book
called "sperm wars" which is all about
I now am able to meet, talk to and date
beautiful women like it's the easiest thing
in the world to do, and the only thing that
changed about me was my attitude and the
skills and knowledge I learnt from making
lots of mistakes.
I didn't get more attractive, I didn't become
mega rich, I just learnt to be what women
Sunt aici pentru a depune mărturie despre modul în care acest puternic jucător de vrăji numit Dr. Ogala m-a ajutat să-mi îmbunătățesc relația. Am fost cu sufletul la gură când amantul meu mi-a spus că nu mai este interesat să se căsătorească cu mine, pentru că o altă doamnă a folosit magie neagră asupra lui. Am plâns și am plâns în fiecare zi, până când s-a înrăutățit atât de mult încât am contactat internetul pentru ajutor, atunci am citit o recenzie pe dr. Ogala, apoi am l-am contactat pentru ajutor în găsirea iubirii și a vieții mele. , m-a ajutat să arunc o vrajă de dragoste puternică și, spre surprinderea mea, după 24 de ore de a face vraja de dragoste, iubitul meu s-a întors în genunchi implorându-mă să-l iert. adresa sa de e-mail: drogalad02@gmail.com WhatsApp +2347049668119 ...