where you are going to go on your first date?
The best date in my opinion goes as follows.
You ring up the girl, tell her to meet you at
your favorite cafe or bar for a quick drink.
Chat for an hour or so, call it a night, go

know who is good with dating.
Guys try and impress to hard on first dates
and take them to the most expensive
restaurants and buy them fancy dinners.
If end up spending more then $20 on a date,
its too much. I can remember the best date of
my life I brought 2 beers and she brought a
wine and that was it.
We chatted for an hour or so, I ended the
night and went home.
Make sure you never let your first dates go
for too long, I never let them go over 2
hours and most only last an hour or so.
It's not about how long you spend on the date
or how much money you spend, its about the
impression you leave on the girl.
If you are funny and confident and the girl
has a blast, all you need is an hour.
Yes, I've taken girls home after a first date
like this, but I don't recommend it.
Like I said in the previous chapter, body
language and voice tone are so important when
dating. You want to speak with confidence,
walk with confidence and BE confident.
Here are a few tips I use.
- Do everything slowly
What I mean by that is don't look like your
panicked or in a rush. Make every movement
deliberate and cool.
- Walk slowly and upright
When you're walking, always walk with your
shoulders back and slowly. Stand upright with
good posture and stick your chest out and
look around like you own the place.
- When sitting, lean back in your chair
Don't lean right forward and smother the
girl, give her space, lean right back and
look like you're too comfortable.
- Maintain eye contact and never mumble
Always look at her in the eyes when you're
talking and never mumble or cover your mouth
when you speak.
Here are more date ideas if you must do
something other then a quick drink
Take a drive down to the beach and walk and
talk. It's a cheap date and a good way to
find out about the other person.
Ring up your local pool hall, find out when
its the quietest and go have a game of pool
Go to mini golf. The beauty of mini golf is
there will be a lot of other couples around
as well and families, so it makes for a
comfortable setting.

friends with this person for a while, you'll
know what he or she likes and you can work on
that. If you don't know the person well,
Take your date on a picnic by the water. Make
sure there are plenty of rest rooms and
shelter around just in case.
Go to the casino. This is not everyone's cup
of tea, but what could be more exciting then
winning big. They will never forget it.
Go go-karting. This is a great way to find
out if your date will try just about anything
Take your date golfing. Find a local golf
course that caters to beginners and do only 9
Go to the golf driving range. This is
probably a better idea then golfing, it's
cheaper, shorter in time and more fun.
Have your palms read. Most women find this
sort of thing very interesting.
Take a limo ride around the city. To find the
best deals, use the Internet to find local
companies with websites.
Go to a roof top or revolving restaurant.
Eating outdoors always makes things more
memorable, just remember to make a booking
Go to a day spa together and get a massage.
Go on the Internet to find the best deals.
Go hot air balooning. Probably not the ideal
first date as it's a little expensive and hot
air balooning is done very early in the
Go on a lunch date. Perfect idea if you work
together, just make sure your date knows it's
a date and not a friendly outing.
Go to a local museum. The most popular types
of museums are the interactive types, with
displays, not things like art galleries.
If your date is the sporting type, take her
to a local sporting event. You could even go
to a college game.
If you know how to ride a motorbike, take
your date for a ride somewhere scenic or at
nightime in the city.
Go to the batting cages. Not everyone's idea
of a great date, but you'll soon find out if
your date is easy going or high matainence.
Frisbee golf is another date idea that will
certainly tell you what type of person you
are dating. If you are not sure what frisbee
golf is, go to google.com and look it up,
it's a lot of fun.
Go to your local jazz club and relax.
Everyone loves jazz.
Go to the zoo. Most zoo's have nigh time
exhibits or exhibits out of the norm for
people to see.
Go to the local fair. Every year we have a
local fair where I live that has show bags,
rides etc.
Getting up early and going to the flea
markets is a very cheap and fun date. If you
are not big on sitting down and talking, this
is the date for you.
Take your date for dinner on the boardwalk.
Very romantic!
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