For women attraction isn't a choice, they
either feel it for you or they don't, it's
that simple. If a woman doesn't feel
attraction for you from the start, they more
then likely never will.

You cannot convince a woman to feel
attraction for you. Let me explain,
Just because you're rich, attractive,
successful, drive a nice car, take her to
fancy dinners, buy her expensive things, that
won't make her feel attraction for you.
I know, it's not logical I get it, but women
don't choose mates on logic. They might say
they do, but they don't.
Women choose mates by their level of
attraction they have for them (unless they
are money hungry women after you for only
your wallet) and not for what you can give
them in return.
Men seem to think bribing women with gifts
will make them fall in love with you, but it
has the total opposite effect, women see this
as you needing their approval because you
don't think you are worthy enough to date
them without having to buy them things in
Why do you think so many women get into
relationships with bad boys who treat them
terribly? Because these guys trigger an
attraction inside these women. It's not
logical, I know, but it's a fact.
I'm not saying you have to treat women
terribly to make them feel attraction for
you, but you don't have to cater to a womans
every need.
Women would rather date a poor guy with no
money who's charming, funny, cocky and just a
fun date then a guy who's rich, buys them
things and is stuffy and boring.
Women want what women want and you can either
be what they want or be what they don't want,
it's your choice.

This book isn't about changing you to suit
women, it's about showing you that you don't
need to do all these things to make women
attracted to you, you don't need to bribe
them, you don't need to stress if one woman
doesn't like you, this is your life, you
choose who you date, not the other way
What Qualities Do Women Find
Attractive In Men?
Women when asked will say they want a nice
guy who treats them like a pricness and
pretty much has no balls of his own. They
like the idea of getting flowers and having a
sensitive guy to talk to about their
All women will tell you they want to date the
nice guy or that they can never seem to find
a nice guy to date.
The problem is, this isn't exactly correct.
These women arn't lying when they say they
want these things.... on the surface they do,
because it makes sense, it makes sense to
want a guy like this, but on a subconscious
level, they really want a man who takes
control and acts like a man should
So what qualities do women want in men?
What they've always wanted and always will
want. Women want their men to be men and not
wussy boys who ask for approval to scratch
their noses.
I know this sounds harsh, but it's true.
Have you ever noticed the following?
When you give a girl a compliment or tell a
girl how beautiful she is she shys away from
When you notice a flaw about her she will get
more involved in the conversation and take
you more seriously.
Have you ever noticed....
When you buy girls gifts and take them to
expensive dinners they end up later that
night thanking you for a great evening and
going out with another guy?
If you just go for a quick drink and act like
you are equals she feels attracted to you
because you're not catering to her every
Have you noticed when....
You call a girl often after a date and she
seems distant and funny

When you don't call her and you act like
you're busy and could live with her or
without her, she won't stop calling you.
This is from my experience what women want
from a man.....
They Want You To Be Confident
They Want You To Lead
They Don't Want You To Get Emotional
They Want You To Be Fun With No Hang Ups
They Want You To Make Them Laugh
They Want You To Make Them Wonder
They Want You To Be Interesting
They Want You To Know What You Want From Life
Want to learn how to do those things.... read
Hard And Fasting Dating Rules
You Must Follow At All Times -
The Right Attitude To Have
Towards Women, Dating And Life!
This whole section is some of the most
powerful information you will ever read, not
just about dating but about life in general.
When your life is going to plan, you feel
confident and when you feel confident, you
exude a persona that naturally attracts
people and makes them want to be around you.
No one likes dating a sad sack.
These rules are what I live my life by and
were written by me for me, I never thought I
would share these rules with anyone except
maybe my future children.
Dating Rules
Rule 1: Always be confident in yourself -
People who have real confidence in themselves
attract people naturally. People can tell
when you are confident with yourself and
where you are going with your life.
If you're not confident in yourself, why? Is
it because you have no money? Is it because
you think you're overweight or ugly?
All of this can be overcome with confidence.
Honestly, girls (girls we want to date) don't
care a lot about these things. Of course, if
you are really over weight and you have bad
teeth and you dress like a hobo, change
It's that simple. If you want to be sucessful
with women, you can't hide behind excuses to
I know a lot of men who arn't rich and arn't
good looking who are very successful with
women because they act like they are good
looking and they are rich, they act in ways
that make men and women naturally attracted
to them.
A happy go lucky guy who smiles a lot will
get x10 the amount of attention as a sad sack
sitting in the corner no matter how hot or
rich he is.
Be happy with yourself, but if there is
something holding you back from being a more
outgoing person, fix it.
I had a large mole on my face and while no
women seemed to care about it, it made me
feel selfconscious and I didn't feel
confident in my looks, so I got it removed.
The only real different I see now is not in
my looks but in my personality. I feel better
about MYSELF and I did it for MYSELF, I
didn't do it for women's approval, I did it
because I wanted to be more outgoing and feel
better about myself.
Rule 2: Relax - be totally calm - act like u
dont need her
As you can tell these rules are not in any
particular order but when you first start
dating someone, act calm, be cool.
Especially on the first date, be cool. Don't
be nervous, don't get all excited and act
like a goof.
Don't act desperate around women, just be
yourself and not worry about the outcome,
dating should be fun!
Rule 3: Be Cocky and Funny - be outgoing and
have fun AND BE FUN TO BE AROUND - be
Being cocky to me means not being afraid to
joke around with women. Men are so scared to
be themselves around women that they act all
uptight and nervous and are not sure what to
Don't worry about. Most men by nature are not
big mouth arrogant SOB's, so just say what's
on your mind.
Talking about sex and other taboo subjects is
FINE. Teasing a girl lightly is fine, as long
as it's funny and a little bit cocky.
Be the fun guy to hang around, make dating
fun for you and her.

Rule 4: Don't get emotional even if the woman
does - women will test you - nothing to be
insecure about
This rule IS SO IMPORTANT when you start
dating someone more seriously. I made this
mistake a couple of times early on and the
relationships ended pretty soon after.
If a woman says something to you that makes
you feel nervous, angry, upset and you feel
like you're going to get overly emotional and
say something you will regret, FOR THE GOOD
OF YOUR SANITY, Don't say anything.
It's a lot easier to say nothing then it is
to take something stupid back. Think before
you speak. Women will always do this. Women
will blame you for things that are not your
fault, things will happen in their lives that
make them emotional, you're job is to stay
I'll give you a personal example. I started
dating a girl I REALLY liked, but a couple of
weeks into the relationship, she told me she
was pregnant and she wasn't sure who the
father was, because before she started dating
me, she was seeing two other guys.
I freaked out, and you probably think, well
rightly so, and it was probably for the best
things ended, but, breaking up with someone
is better when you're the one breaking up
with the girl
I know this sounds childish, but it's true.
It's a mental thing. Being dumped is a
horrible feeling and take's longer to get
Rule 5: Lead in the relationship - Always be
a man - IE Dad - say things like "you do what
you wanna do"
Girls like a guy who will lead in the
relationship. I don't mean bossy, I mean
lead. It's a manly thing to do.
When a woman asks what you want to do, don't
reply back, "I dunno, what do you want to
do", take the bull by the horn's and make a
decision. I know it's a bit of a pain to be
the one who does this all the time, but it
really works.
I also added a part about my dad in this
rule. He is one of those old fashioned type
of guy's, always leads, makes executive
decions. He isn't wishy washy.
Also, when women throw things at you that
you're not expecting, never over react, I
touched on this just before, and I'm going to
If a girl says she's going out with male
friends, or seeing an ex boyfriend, don't
flip your lid, this is the quickest way to
push her away.
Just say things like, "you do what you wanna
do", "it's your life, I'm not your father,
have fun". Saying things like this make you
sound confident in yourself and don't really
care what she does.
Begging her not to go and doing all sorts of
crazy things guys do will push her away for
Rule 6: Live an active and full life - you
come first - plenty of fish in the sea -
Always keep busy
Most of you are probally thinking how am I
going to remember all these things, and
you're not suppose to really. Use them all,
or use just a few, refer to them often and
they will sink in over time.
But if you only remember one dating rule,
this is it.
Always keep busy! Never make too much time
for a girl when you first start dating. All
the other rules will fall into place if you
just follow this one.
When you're sitting at home with nothing to
do, you will be tempted to want to ring any
girl you're dating too much and you will
become too available.
If she's says lets make plans for tuesday,
say no you're busy, how about wednesday.
Get a hobby, play a sport, go out more with
your friends and if you don't have any
friends, make some!
Keep your mind busy and everything else will
fall into place because you will be too busy
with your life to care what she is doing. She
will be just a nice little extra in your
life, not your whole life!
Keep busy guys!
Rule 7: Don't rush the dating process - build
the mystery - forcing repells attraction
Again, this goes with keeping busy. Never see
a girl more then twice a week for at least
the first 10 to 20 dates. Seriously. I know
you will want to spend all your time with
someone if you think she's the one, but, you
need to build the attraction, not force it.
This way is best for both of you. I feel most
guys will settle for a girl because she wants
a relationship, even tho she might not be the
girl for him.
Take your time, have fun, date multiple
women, it's ok.
Rule 8: Let things go, the past is the past -
but always tell it as it is - no hangups!
Every one has a past, and if I've made any
mistake too much, its this one. You have to
accept people for who they are, if you really
like someone, leave the past where it
belongs, in the past.
We all have baggage. Of course, there are

Rule 9: Don't write sappy emails ever, never
write anything because of fear or insecurity
What is it with guys and writing sappy
letters or emails when they feel like they
are losing the girl or have lost the girl.
If a girl breaks up with you, let it go, move
on with your life, start dating again and you
will find this will bring back love quicker
then a sappy email professing your undying
love for the girl.
Think before you speak, think before you
Rule 10: Girls find a guy hot when he has a
plan for life - IE I told a girlfriend about
my dreams for life
I don't know what it is, but when your
talking about something your passionate
about, people are naturally attracted to you.
I use to date a girl who played guitar and
she was so passionate about it, it was a real
turn on. She knew what she wanted to be and I
found that sexy.
Same thing applies to men. I tell girls about
my dream of running the largest publishing
company in the world one day and girls find
my passion and that idea really attractive.
Rule 11: Don't appologise for the sake of
appologising - Don't appologise if you've
done nothing wrong
This is a real turn off for women. Guys have
a habit of appologising for girls bad
behaviours and it's not on.
Women see this as a sign of weakness. If a
girl is doing something or saying something
you don't like, tell her that. If she's
acting bratty, tell her that.
Don't put up with moody behaviour just
because she thinks you deserve to be treated
that way, you don't.
Rule 12: First Date Advice - Lean Back Relax
Don't Be Nervous, Be Confident, Funny, Cocky,
But Don't Take It Too Far!
I must admit, one date I did take the cocky
and funny routine a bit far and probably was
a bit more relaxed then I should have been
and I came across very arrogant and
Arrogance is a huge turn off and there is a
fine line between that and cocky and funny.
Rule 13: No matter how funny or cocky you
are, treat sex with respect. If you do have
sex with a girl, make it special, like she's
the only one that matters.
Rule 14: Dress well, but don't over do it!
Personal Life

Rule 1: Exercise often - 100 situps, 100
pushups, running, work on arms
Girls don't care if you're not buff, but
looks are important too. Take care of your
body if for no one else but yourself.
I do 100 situps, 100 pushups every day. I do
a light weight session focusing on building
bigger arms and chest muscles. I also run 3
times a week. This is a perfect workout that
takes very little time out of your week and
will make you look and feel a lot better
inside and out, I guarantee it!
Rule 2: Never let anything or anyone
overwhelm my emotions to the point of
Nothing in life is worth letting your life go
down the drains for. If something bad
happens, pick yourself up, don't stop working
or letting your finances suffer.
Rule 3: Be Independent always
Rule 4: Always keep learning new things and
Read lots, watch documentaries, take courses
and travel all you can. You'll thank me for
this advice one day.
Rule 5: Always have fun always have a
positive attitude - everything will be ok
Rule 6: Every day or when you feel stressed
sit silent for 30 minutes and think about
nothing just relax.
Rule 7: Don't let little things rattle you -
never over react
Life is full of little surprises, just like
dating, but let them rattle you, just keep
going on with your life like nothing
He who angers you becomes your master.
Rule 8: Create a life's to do list and follow
thru with it completely and systematically
This is something you must do. Everyone has
goals for life, I don't care if it's only 4
things, write them down and check them off.
I have close to 100 things I want to do
before I do, like learn to speak German, go
to Oktoberfest, things like that.
I also have more serious things like, Run the
largest publishing company in the world,
which I still quite havn't checked off yet ;)
Rule 9: Set high goals and standards for your
life and never let anyone compromise them
Rule 10: Always have an open mind and don't
be judgemental
Rule 11: Don't Get Moody With People! - Just
Nothing lowers the level of conversation more
than raising the voice.
Rule 12: You Miss 100% Of The Shots You Don't
It's Alright To Have Faults And
Be Yourself - You Have My
Permission To Make Mistakes
Like I said in the above section, I've made
mistakes before and at the time I thought I
was the biggest idiot, but it's all a part of
learning how to be successful with women.
No one is perfect and it's ok to have quirky
little habits, no woman expects you to be
perfect or a dating robot that knows exactly
what to do at all times.
The main thing is to make sure it doesn't get
you down and you don't stop trying if you
have a bad experience. Every woman isn't
going to like you and vice versa, but....
You miss 100% of all shots you don't take!